Important Note:

Be prayerful before trying any of these ideas! The blog author accepts no responsibility or liability whether real or implied when you choose to try these tips!

Cutting Our Own Hair and Using Toilet Paper Instead of Tissue


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Cutting Our Own and Family Member’s Hair 

My husband has been cutting his own hair with an electric razor for some time, now. He also puts masking tape around the sides of my hair to be able to cut straight down the middle of the tape. This is a tip we read some time ago. Although we have been doing these money saving measures for years, we have family who have learned to cut their family member’s hair during the pandemic. Actually, I have been very impressed with all the haircuts that I’ve seen. I can’t tell them from the ones that they used to get from the more expensive hair stylists. Not only did they save money, but they didn’t have to go into a salon with other people and take a chance getting exposed to the virus. 

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Save Money Using Toilet Paper for Tissue

Honestly, I saw this tip in a second-hand copy of the Cheapskate Gazette before the pandemic. It told how to take the cardboard tube from the middle of the roll and to pull the bottom piece of toilet paper from the middle up through the top. I have used this suggestion ever since and it is very handy, pandemic or not! [Hint: Maybe if you were to put your regular toilet paper out like this, possibly people would use less squares of it, since it has been a scarce items at various times during the pandemic.

Please add the creative things you've done during the Pandemic In A Pinch below in the Comments Section. Thanks! Debbie

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