Important Note:

Be prayerful before trying any of these ideas! The blog author accepts no responsibility or liability whether real or implied when you choose to try these tips!

Fixing Droopy PJs and Utilizing Spoiled Milk


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Fixing Droopy PJs with Salvaged Elastic

A friend told me that elastic was difficult to purchase, since so many people were making their own masks during the pandemic. I had an old pair of underwear that was threadbare and was tearing away from the elastic. When I was no longer able to use them, I cut the elastic from the waistband and the leg bands. I had a pair of droopy PJ bottoms, so I put a slit on the inside material of its waist band and attached a safety pin on either end and pinned one side down and threaded the other side through the slit in the waistband. After getting both ends back together, removing the safety pins, and sewing the elastic together, you have a pair of PJs that no longer droop!

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Utilizing Spoiled Milk

I had several gallons of milk spoil way before the expiration date. After I threw out the first gallon, I searched on Google to find something my grandmother had told me about making her own cottage cheese from spoiled milk. You basically put your spoiled milk in a pan and heat, stirring, so it does not burn and to help it form the curds. It said to heat to 190 degrees, but I just got it hot, but not to the boiling point and took it off the burner. If it is not already forming into curds, you can add a dash of salt and 2-3 Tablespoons of vinegar. It said to strain it through cheesecloth in a strainer. Not having cheesecloth, I put a cloth napkin in the strainer and poured it in the lined strainer. I would grab the napkin ends and twist them to remove the liquid from the cottage cheese. I had put it over a bowl, to collect the milky water called whey, that can be used in soups to give them more protein. I used the cottage cheese in a recipe that I have for Kuga, a.k.a. Kuchen. Also, you can make spoiled milk into creamed cheese. [Special Note: At that point, I did not realize that I was setting my semi-hot crockpot next to the milk on the bottom shelf. Once I realized this, I started turning the lid upside down in the crockpot, so it fit on the top shelf of the refrigerator, far away from the milk.]

Add some of the creative things you've done during the Pandemic In A Pinch below in the Comments Section.


  1. We had to be very frugal with toilet paper. Toilet paper was flying off the shelves at the grocery store, and it was more expensive. I counted the squares every time I needed to use it. I had a back-up plan to cut up cloth diapers and wash if I ran out, but thankfully, I never ran out.

    1. Thank you for sharing this great idea! It may come in handy yet, if we have any more toilet paper shortages.

  2. Being a quilter has left me with small material scraps which I have used to make doll clothes and cloth dolls which are then donated to the children's shelter in Fort Worth.

    1. That is a very resourceful idea! Not only did you not waste any fabric, you made some children very happy with having clothes for their dolls. Great idea!


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